So, say goodbye to Tapu Bulu and hello to the Shock Drive version of Genesect. The boss in Five-Star Raids will switch out on May 2. And remember: Elite Raids are done in person only. Regidrago will be an Elite Raid on Saturday, May 13, at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm local time. All other gameplay aspects will be the same as the previous event. Complete the research tasks to earn Regirock Candy, Regice Candy, and Registeel Candy. This includes all who have already completed it. The golem-like Pokemon is a member of the Legendary Titans along with Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regieleki.ĭuring this event, you can access the Timed Research originally planned for the Regidrago and Regieleki Elite Raid Days. To make up for the massive server issues players faced in March during the initial appearance of Regidrago, Niantic Labs is bringing the Dragon-type Legendary Pokemon back on May 13.
The research can be claimed until the end of Season 10: Rising Heroes on June 1. This is the only way to encounter Elekid wearing a Spark-themed accessory during this Season.Įvent-themed Field Research tasks will be available, and completing tasks may provide an encounter with Magneton, Chansey, Electabuzz, Magmar, Snorlax, Mantine, or Chimecho.ĭon't forget: the Seasonal Special Research An Everyday Hero is available throughout Season 10. The Special Research story, An Instinctive Hero, will reward you with an encounter with Elekid wearing a Spark-themed accessory upon completion. 2X XP for hatching and 2X Stardust for hatching will also be handed out. All of these Pokemon have a chance at being shiny, except for Goomy.ĭuring the event, you will have an increased chance of hatching Shiny Pokemon from 2, 5, and 10 km eggs. Other Pokemon hatching from eggs during this time are Mime Jr., Happiny, Mantyke, Timburr, Karrablast, Axew, Shelmet, and Goomy. It's likely that after the event ends, the little creature will start appearing in the wild. So you better make it your buddy and start walking it. Guess how many candies you need to earn for Larvesta to turn into Volcarona? 400. The second Pokemon debuting is the evolved version of Larvesta - the moth-like Volcarona. All I seem to hatch of late is Pawniard and Vullaby. The little dual-type Bug/Fire will be available to hatch from 2km, 5km, and 10km Eggs, so hopefully, you are lucky in the hatching department. It's Pokemon Black and White's Larvesta from the Unova region. During this time, two Pokemon new to the game will debut.